Regenerative Vacuum Packages by Legends Equipment

Regen Vacuum Pump Package by Legends Equipment

Regenerative Vacuum Packages by Legends Equipment.

Complete with all components needed for a full functional system.  Standard packages include a vacuum relief valve calibrated to match the machine, intake filter with metal mesh screen on the vacuum relief.  Flex connection with clamps and tubing components to make it easy to set it and be done.

Two Inch (2″) Packages

Vacuum Package LL05-MS-4

Vacuum Package LL06-MS-6

Three Inch (3″) Packages

Vacuum Package LL07-MS-10

Vacuum Package LL08-MS-15

Four Inch (4″) Packages

Vacuum Package LL09-MS-15

Vacuum Package LL11-MS-20

Sound Enclosures

Regen Sound Enclosure